Income ”Times Have Changed”:
Reminding women to ignore
social pressures and take control
of their lives.

“Look, Ma! I wrote a song!”

Singaporean insurer NTUC Income had an updated health insurance plan, that better met the needs of modern women.

Our strategy was to identify what it means to be a modern woman, by first recognising all the social pressures that Asian women have faced throughout the years. This film reminded women to take matters into their own hands, and choose the lives that they want to lead, with the help of the right insurance plan.

This film features a song that I wrote the lyrics for, based on the experiences faced by many Asian women. The song was voted “Best Song for Females 2017” by website Asian Crush and got 23 million views and 300,000 shares on social.


Most awarded team at Effies 2018
Effie Singapore - Gold - Financial Products and Services
Effie Singapore - Silver - Branded Content
Effie Singapore - Silver - Sustained Success - Income
Hall of Fame Awards - Brand of the Year - Income
Hall of Fame Awards - Transmedia Campaign of the Year - Silver


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