Eukanuba “Play Fetch”:
Proving shelter dogs
can be top dogs.


Let me tell you about one of my best Christmases ever.

In 2014, premium dog food brand Eukanuba wanted to prove product superiority. To show this, we proved that the food could transform any dog into a top dog – even abandoned shelter dogs.

We worked with an Australian pet shelter to feed the dogs Eukanuba for a month, and then invited people to the world’s first online game of fetch. They went to our website to throw an actual tennis ball to the dogs, and watched them catch it in real-time. Through this interactive game of fetch, dog lovers witnessed the transformation of these dogs after just 1 month of Eukanuba. Establishing product superiority in the cutest way possible.

In 2 weeks we achieved:
5,684 New fans 
3,789 People played with the dogs 
10,239 Balls where thrown 
1.2 Million reach on FB page (1 in 5 Australians)

And, all the 66 dogs in the shelter were adopted before Christmas. Pretty good Christmas, eh?


Creative Circle Awards - Bronze - Media
Asian Marketing Effectiveness Awards - Bronze - Social Media


Lily Zero


Income: Fear Less